
Showing posts from April, 2020

No one seemingly ever has the right.....

They have not lived your life, neither they have any clue. No one seemingly ever has the right to judge you! They will have their own opinions, also they will perceive. BUT No one seemingly ever has the right to judge you! They will be bound to have certain expectations, you fulfill as they knew. STILL No one seemingly ever has the right to judge you! They will want you to take initiative, you take as they argue. WHEN No one seemingly ever has the right to judge you! They will show ample mood swings, you learn as they continue. AGAIN No one seemingly ever has the right to judge you! "BUT, STILL, WHEN, AGAIN", let me emphasize anew. No one seemingly ever has the right to judge you!

Time always reveals....!

Why waste time to prove your existence? Time always reveals what you mean to someone! Why compel and force things to happen? Time always reveals what you mean to someone! Why explain unnecessarily and tell often? Time always reveals what you mean to someone! Why be offended and blame oneself for things undone? Time always reveals what you mean to someone! Why become an emotional fool once and later be a practical one? Time always reveals what you mean to someone! One fine day, as things turn up, "The One" may or may not summon. Time always reveals what you mean to someone!

The World is Changing.....

Times are difficult, situations strange, The World is changing, be ready for the change! Life has come to a standstill, conditions challenge, The World is changing, be ready for the change! Pollution non existent, routine rearrange,  The World is changing, be ready for the change! Materialistic minds think anew, priorities interchange, The World is changing, be ready for the change! Time to gather courage, keep oneself engage, The World is changing, be ready for the change! "Distance and proximity" terms relative, connect through virtual exchange, The World is changing, be ready for the change!