
Showing posts from March, 2020

Contribute In Your Own Small Way....

Know your responsibilities, perform now no later, Contribute in your own small way to make this world better. Be compassionate towards all the living beings, show now no later, Contribute in your own small way to make this world better. Being vigilant is the key, observe now no later, Contribute in your own small way to make this world better. Avoid unnecessary chaos, stop now no later, Contribute in your own small way to make this world better. Make an effort to sustain the phase, handle now no later, Contribute in your own small way to make this world better. Pray for the healings of one and all, seek BLESSINGS now, no later, Contribute in your own small way to make this world better.

Needless to say.....

You are contributing? You are participating? Needless to say, you are a social being. You are confronting? You are explaining? Needless to say, you are a social being. You are expecting? You are assuming? Needless to say, you are a social being. You are gathering? You are bothering? Needless to say, you are a social being. You are flattering? You are pretending? Needless to say, you are a social being. You are discussing? You are debating? Needless to say, you are a social being. You are transforming? You are translating? Needless to say, you are a social being.

Time Says It All...

Time keeps rolling on, you are on a roll. Time keeps telling on, you set up a goal. Time keeps moving on, you make a move. Time keeps proving on, you need not approve. Time keeps turning on, you take a turn for the better. Time keeps probing on, you say a word for the righter. Time keeps evolving on, you got to proceed. Time keeps resolving on, you got to succeed. Time keeps the secrets, time reveals the regrets. Time unfolds the memories, time beholds the centuries.

Confidence is.....

Are you confident? You lead. Are you confident? You succeed. Confidence has nothing to do with knowledge. Confidence is all about making others acknowledge. Confidence is inherent. Confidence cannot be learnt. Unknowingly, Confidence leads to arrogance. Intentionally, Confidence leads to performance. Confidence is indoubtedly a virtue, Only when used with a right perspective.


Situations are rare. Situations are fair. Situations are strong. Situations are wrong. Situations are right. Situations are bright. Situations are inspiring. Situations are rewarding. Situations are demanding. Situations are conflicting. Situations are supporting. Situations are complicated. Situations are associated. Situations are evident. Situations are consequent. Situations are random. Situations are seldom.


Words are important, they matter. Words are abundant, they scatter. Words are meaningful, they belong. Words are beautiful, they prolong. Words are interesting, they dwell. Words are discriminating, they tell. Words are mysterious, they question. Words are glorious, they mention. Words are kind, they praise. Words are lined, they trace. Words are caring, they show. Words are cheering, they glow. Words are healings, they cure. Words are feelings, they endure.

A thin line....

A thin line between love and affection. A thin line between work and creation. A thin line between smile and laughter. A thin line between now and after. A thin line between cool and amazing. A thin line between stare and gazing. A thin line between clear and clean. A thin line between calm and serene. A thin line between respect and honour. A thin line between aspect and genre. A thin line between practice and habit. A thin line between judgement and verdict.

People, Oh People!!

People, Oh People... The ones who differ. The ones who refer. The ones who matter. The ones who scatter. The ones who care. The ones who share. The ones who dare. The ones who flair. The ones who blend. The ones who mend. The ones who offend. The ones who defend. The ones obvious. The ones notorious. The ones curious. The ones hilarious. The ones who demand. The ones who command. The ones who understand. The ones who reprimand. The ones rigorous. The ones furious. The ones serious. The ones tedious. The ones optimist. The ones pessimist. The ones racist. The ones socialist. The ones who respect. The ones who reflect. The ones who select. The ones who neglect. The ones of its kind, With attributes undefined! PEOPLE, OH PEOPLE!!

Be Blessed!!

Be blessed to be on this earth. Be blessed for your birth. Be blessed to be one and only. Be blessed to belong to a family. Be blessed with your parents arround. Be blessed with their reassuring sound. Be blessed to be well cultured. Be blessed to be well mannered. Be blessed with the bonds you share. Be blessed with the dear ones who care. Be blessed with all good things. Be blessed with a heart that sings.

The Joy of Sharing

 The joy of sharing is a bliss. The happy feeling not to miss. Joy of sharing, being unconditional. Joy of sharing, being emotional. Joy of sharing, being thoughtful. Joy of sharing, being wonderful. Joy of sharing, being passionate, Joy of sharing, being fortunate. Joy of sharing, being helping hand. Joy of sharing, being jocund. The joy of sharing spreads thousands smiles. The way of caring, feelings fragile.


Miracles happen, they really do, You believe, they come to you. Miracles are God's gift, For a human to take a lift. Miracles are faith in God, To take you out from any odd. Miracles happen, when you trust, The Almighty and his lust. Miracles are bound to happen, Be blessed if it's you, it won't be often. Miracles are heavenly blessings, "Amen!" All gentle living things.


Experiences good and bad, Make us humble, happy, sad. Experiences worth living, Make a better human being. Experiences make you spin, Take you through the thick and thin. Experiences countless, At a cost nevertheless! Experiences a worthwhile, For your success and smile. Ride your experiences, Rest assured of better chances!


Perhaps things go well, You go for the best. Perhaps opportunities ring the bell, You grab with a zest. Perhaps situations are right, You take over with all the might. Perhaps expectations are bright, You perform with a certain insight. Perhaps decisions are taken, You respect your instinct. Perhaps illusions are broken, You know in a way distinct. Perhaps arguments don't work,  You keep calm for a while. Perhaps judgements pass a jerk, You tend to reconcile. Perhaps moments are unforgettable, You cling to the memories. Perhaps the beloveds are unmatchable, You rely upon them for centuries.

A Feeling of Belongingness....

Unwinding the feelings to your near ones, A feeling of belongingness in its true sense! Valuing the emotions of your near ones, A feeling of belongingness in its true sense! Admiring the efforts of your near ones, A feeling of belongingness in its true sense! Encouraging the actions of your near ones, A feeling of belongingness in its true sense! Believing the motives of your near ones, A feeling of belongingness in its true sense! Appreciating the presence of your near ones, A feeling of belongingness in its true sense! Being caring for the near ones is the essence, A feeling of belongingness in its true sense!

Although People Don't go wrong....

Better be introspective, don't blame. Although People don't go wrong, situations claim. Better think rationally, don't defame. Although People don't go wrong, situations claim. Better limit your emotions, don't flame. Although People don't go wrong, situations claim. Better be clear about intentions, do frame. Although People don't go wrong, situations claim. Better praise the efforts, don't refrain. Although People don't go wrong, situations claim. Better have acceptance, don't disclaim. Although People don't go wrong, situations claim. Better be a sport, play a fair game. Although People don't go wrong, situations claim.